Unionism: benefits society.

As the Janus Supreme Court case looms,  recent and historical events show how unions have built the middle class and how all workers, including educators, need to stay together to achieve fair wages, benefits, and working conditions.

States with strong unions have higher levels of income, which benefits our society, quality of life, and economy.  Schools with strong unions have less turn-over, resulting in a professional, experienced staff that benefits our students.

“They told us that essentially if you weren’t a single person, if you had a family plan, your health insurance was going to rise substantially. As a West Virginia teacher — and I’ve been teaching 10 years — I only clear right under $1,300 every two weeks, and they’re wanting to take $300 more away for me. But they tell me it’s O.K., because we’re going to give you a 1 percent pay raise. That equals out to 88 cents every two days.”

“The average teacher’s salary in West Virginia is around $45,000, among the very worst in the nation; our last raise was $1,000 four years ago. It’s not uncommon for teachers in our state to work a second job. I have a master’s degree and nearly three decades of experience, and I make $49,950. My two sons and I live paycheck to paycheck, and I work admissions for sporting events for additional income. I actually make less now than I did in 2012 because of increases in premiums for our public employee insurance.”

You can help support the West Virginia teachers:


Oklahoma is next!!   Solidarity with the Sooner State.

While people are focused…

…on Russia, here is what else is going on in Washington:

Trump’s education budget will devastate public education.

The cuts would come from eliminating at least 22 programs, some of which Trump outlined in March. Gone, for example, would be $1.2 billion for after-school programs that serve 1.6 million children, most of whom are poor, and $2.1 billion for teacher training and class-size reduction.


Betsy DeVos knows nothing about public education:

Don’t worry, Barron Trump will have small class sizes.

Vouchers are a failed program that robs taxpayers and does not help children.

School choice increases segregation.


Other education stories:

Did school under the gun for test scores delay evacuation, valuing the state assessments over student & staff safety?

Interesting read.  Good lessons can conquer “fidget spinners”?  Great self-analysis by a NC teacher.


Love this.

Remember, the test score moratorium ends soon.

Trump + DeVos = Privatization

Many twitter, blog and news reaction to the Trump’s selection for Secretary of Education.  

The soon to be published Winter News and Views will have more commentary on the impact of privatization using the “school choice” as a talking point to take away community voice and control of local schools.



Tweets from August.

A collection of blogs, articles and tweets from August 2016.

Shop at WalMart?  Your spending contributes to harmful education reforms.

Don’t forget- APPR is STILL THE LAW.  Teachers with a state-test scores still get a number from 1-20 from NYSED.


Great Leadership!

Let them play!!!

Is homework necessary for young children?


Gonna be a tough year to teach the election.



Testing Déjà Vu

New year, new testing vendor, Questar, new Commissioner Elia, same problems…..

Any wonder why record numbers of families will opt out this year….

Here are some commentaries and articles of interest from the recent testing season.


Did you know this week is National Library week?  Sadly in elementary and middle schools across NYS our Libraries will be testing centers.




Reactions to the NYS Assessments from teachers & parents:

Did you know that there were missing planning pages from last week’s ELA test?  Due to the last minute notice from NYSED, many students across NYS, including at HMS, did not receive hear about the corrections and took the test under different conditions.

Should the questions impacted be thrown out?

In the news:

